Mark Twain Lake Links


Water Safety

Water safety programs are presented by Park Rangers at the Spalding and Indian Creek Beaches and at Ray Behrens, Indian Creek, and Frank Russell Campgrounds during the summer months. You may also see a Park Ranger at local safety fairs, libraries, and youth group meetings promoting safety around the water.

Here are some tips from a Mark Twain Lake Park Ranger:

  • Learn to swim well and take a safe boating course
  • Remember to swim and boat with a buddy and wear your life jacket
  • Swim in designated areas only

When recreating in or on the water, play it safe, take a boating safety course, learn to swim well, swim and boat with a buddy, know how to identify a person that is drowning, and the things you can do to rescue them. The most important thing to remember is to wear a life jacket.

Water Safety Games

Lake Guard and LJ vs the Lake Mobile Game Apps are both available as free downloads on Apple App Store and Google Play App Store and are ad free. These mobile games are highly competitive and designed to test player's reflexes and gaming skills. In both games you are tasked with taking care of lakes that have been overrun with unprepared boaters. Have some fun and see if you can become the ultimate lake protector and along the way you might learn something about boating safety that could save your life or the life of someone you care about. In LJ vs the Lake you can compare your scores with other players on a global leaderboard.

Water Safety Education

The USACE Education Center provides award-winning educational film productions and water safety curriculums designed to help teachers guide both elementary and high school students through water safety lessons in an entertaining way.

PFD Loaner Program

Over the past few years, the Monroe City Lions Club has donated life jackets purchased through a grant from the Quincy Area Safety Council for the Corps of Engineers at Mark Twain Lake. The life jackets are placed on a loaner board at both of the beaches and at all of the major boat ramps for anyone that needs to borrow one.

When recreating in, on, or near the water, play it safe! Here is a list of good things to know or learn when you plan to recreate near water:

  • Take a boating safety course
  • Learn to swim well
  • Swim and boat with a buddy
  • Know how to identify a person that is drowning
  • Learn the things you can do to rescue a drowning person

The MOST important thing to remember is to wear a life jacket!