Mark Twain Lake Links



Please contact the Missouri Department of Conservation for information about state property.

Approximately 45,000 acres of land and water are available for hunting. Game species available for hunting include dove, quail, rabbit, squirrel, deer, wild turkey, and various species of waterfowl. There are various Hunter Fisherman lots available to conveniently access all the different types of habitat found around Mark Twain Lake.

Every year Mark Twain Lake rangers plant new food plots, some in recurring areas, others in varying spots depending on the habitat requirements and weather conditions throughout the year. Maps of these locations are available of where and what was planted. Contact Mark Twain Lake rangers to find out what types of animal species these different food plots attract.

2020 Hunting Brochure (Includes Food Plot Maps)

Expand List item 6091Collapse List item 6091  No Hunting Areas

Most of the land and waters of Mark Twain Lake are open to hunting, but there are some that are not. Hunting is not permitted in the following areas:

  • Developed recreation areas (indicated in light green on the main lake map)
  • Within 200 yards of construction zones
  • Areas posted with government “No Hunting” signs
  • Waterfowl refuge during waterfowl season

Lake Map

Expand List item 6092Collapse List item 6092  MDC Rules and Regulations

The Missouri Department of Conservation revises their hunting, trapping, and fishing laws every year so be sure to check in and see what changes might affect your outdoor activities. Look in the downloads box for the current summary guide. This is a helpful tool in determining what if anything has changed, or to brush up on any laws that you may be unsure about or need clarified.

Missouri Hunting and Trapping Regulations
Waterfowl Hunting Digest
Fishing Regulations Summary
Wildlife Code

Expand List item 6093Collapse List item 6093  Title 36 Hunting Rules and Regulations

327.2 (c) – The operation and or parking of a vehicle off authorized roadways is prohibited except at locations and times designated by the District Commander. Taking any vehicle through, around or beyond a restrictive sign, recognizable barricade, fence, or traffic control barrier is prohibited.

327.7 (a) – Camping is permitted only at sites and/or areas designated by the District Commander.

327.8 (a) – Hunting is permitted except in areas and during periods where prohibited by the District Commander.

327.8 (b) – Trapping is permitted except in areas and during periods where prohibited by the District Commander.

327.10 (b) – Fires shall be confined to those areas designated by the District Commander, and shall be contained in fireplaces, grills, or other facilities designated for this purpose. Fires shall not be left unattended and must be completely extinguished prior to departure. The burning of materials that produce toxic fumes, including, but not limited to, tires, plastic and other floatation materials or treated wood products is prohibited.

327.13 (a) – The possession of loaded firearms, ammunition, loaded projectile firing devices, bows and arrows, crossbows, or other weapons is prohibited unless:

(1) In the possession of a Federal, state, or local law enforcement officer;
(2) Being used for hunting or fishing as permitted under 327.8 with devices being unloaded when transported to, from or between hunting and fishing sites;
(3) Being used at authorized shooting ranges; or
(4) Written permission has been received from the District Commander

327.20 – The construction, placement, or existence of any structure (including, but not limited to, roads, trails, signs, non-portable hunting stands or blinds, buoys, docks, or landscape features) of and kind under, upon, in or over the project lands, or waters is prohibited unless a permit, lease, license or other appropriate written authorization has been issued by the District Commander. Portable hunting stands, climbing devices, steps, or blinds, that are not nailed or screwed into trees and are removed at the end of a day’s hunt may be used.

Expand List item 6094Collapse List item 6094  Wetlands and Waterfowl

A waterfowl refuge on the Middle and Elk Fork arms of the lake provides undisturbed resting areas for many waterfowl species. All lands and waters in the refuge are closed to boating and waterfowl hunting during the waterfowl season. All other hunting and bank fishing activities are permitted during this time. During the remainder of the year this area is available for all recreational uses. Additionally, eight wetlands located around the re-regulation pool and one wetland near the North Fork arm are within walking distance from a hunter/fisherman access lot and open for waterfowl hunting.

The wetlands mentioned above are ongoing projects undertaken by Mark Twain Lake staff designed to protect and rehabilitate wetland areas. Low dikes and water control structures were constructed so that water could be held at desired levels within the wetlands. High pool levels allow managers the opportunity to flood wetlands simply by opening water control structures, eliminating the need for costly and labor intensive pumping operations. Dikes and water control structures in addition to retaining water, also serve to exclude water during times when wetland vegetation is growing. Each wetland area is gradually drawn down each spring and re-flooded each fall.

Expand List item 9717Collapse List item 9717  Special Hunts
In 1988, Mark Twain Lake started the first deer hunt for people with disabilities in the state of Missouri. This hunt occurs during Missouri firearm season. Since then, it has expanded to include an annual spring turkey hunt. Both hunts are hosted in the Indian Creek Recreation Area which offers a safe environment and an abundance of game.

Hunters are offered transportation to and from hunting areas, game retrieval, camping opportunities, meals, fellowship and tall tales. Both special hunts allow an average of 35 participants to enjoy a quality outdoor experience that they may not have been possible without this event and strong community support.

Area residents, businesses, and agencies provide services and resources for the event. Mark Twain Lake partners include Bob Kendrick and the Monroe City Volunteers, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Paris Lions Club. To inquire about this event, please contact the Mark Twain Lake Project Office.