Tag: recreation
  • US Army Corps of Engineers Preventative COVID-19 Closures at Mark Twain Lake

    Mark Twain Lake – In an effort to further protect against the spread of the COVID-19 virus, all U.S.
  • Army Corps of Engineers waives fees on National Public Lands Day, Sept. 28

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) announced today that it will waive day use fees normally charged at boat launch ramps and swimming beaches at its recreation areas nationwide in recognition of National Public Lands Day on Saturday, Sept. 28.
  • 2018 Recreation Season at Mark Twain Lake

    Mark Twain Lake, March 20, 2018, Monroe City, Missouri – Are you sick and tired of being shut inside
  • Corps seeking Public Feedback for Ste. Genevieve Report

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District is hosting a public meeting to provide information and gather public feedback on the Sainte Genevieve General Reevaluation Report.
  • Pack the Park at Lithia Springs

    Enjoy free camping at Lithia Springs May 5-7! Activities & fun for the whole family.
  • Spalding and Indian Creek Beaches Closed due to High Water

    Mark Twain Lake is experiencing higher than normal water levels due to the recent rainfall in the watershed. The lake is expected to crest at less than 622.5 NGVD by Wednesday, June 24, with no additional precipitation. The normal pool elevation is 606 NGVD.
  • High Water at Mark Twain Lake

    Mark Twain Lake is experiencing higher than normal water levels due to the recent rainfall in the watershed. The lake is expected to crest at less than 619 NGVD by Friday with no additional precipitation. The normal pool elevation is 606 NGVD.
  • Beach Blast at Rend Lake, June 13

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Rend Lake is hosting the annual Rend Lake Beach Blast Saturday, June 13, at the South Sandusky Beach. Rend Lake Park Rangers will host this fun-filled event that includes games for all ages, music, and learning how to be safe while in and around the water. This popular event will kick off at noon and will run until 4:00 p.m.
  • Enjoy Your Holiday, Play It Safe and Return Home Alive

    Before heading out for a day of fun on or near the water this upcoming Memorial Day weekend and over the course of the summer, the St. Louis District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers encourages you to play it safe while ensuring everyone in your group has life jackets and more importantly that everyone wears them.
  • National Public Lands Day Activities Planned at Mark Twain Lake

    Mark Twain Lake –The largest hands-on volunteer effort to preserve America’s lands, National Public