• Mark Twain Lake to Host Discovery Day May 3rd

    The U.S Army Corps of Engineers in partnership with the Mark Twain Lake Chamber of Commerce is inviting all area schools to Mark Twain Lake on May 3rd for Discovery Day at the M.W. Boudreaux Memorial Visitor Center. A large array of exhibitors will be on hand to provide a broad variety of educational opportunities for students to learn on an interactive basis.
  • Spring Forward- Get out and help at the Mark Twain Lake Visitor Center

    Even though the recent snow storms may be fresh in everyone’s mind and there still may be quite a
  • Fish Habitat Work Day at Lake Shelbyville

    Lake Shelbyville - The Annual Fish Habitat Improvement Project at Lake Shelbyville is scheduled for Saturday, March 9, 2013. Volunteers are needed to help bundle 412 donated Christmas trees, assemble 160 new artificial fish attractors and help place all of the fish attractors in the lake. Due to the size of the artificial fish attractors they will need to be assembled on site. Anyone interested in volunteering should meet at the Coon Creek Boat Ramp at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, March 9, 2013. If the conditions are not conducive on the 9th the work day will push backed to Saturday, March 16, 2013.
  • “Masters of the Sky” Returns to National Great Rivers Museum

    The National Great Rivers Museum along with the Meeting of the Rivers Foundation announces the return of the “Masters of the Sky” show, presented by the World Bird Sanctuary, February 16-18, 2013, at the National Great Rivers Museum.
  • National Great Rivers Museum hosts “Our World: A Slice of Life” Temporary Quilt Exhibit

    The National Great Rivers Museum is currently displaying a unique quilt project handcrafted by the Missouri Fiber Artists. This quilt was created by 14 different fiber artists who wanted to make a quilt using an unexpected shape. They decided on “Our World” as the theme and set out to make a round quilt. Each artist was asked to make a wedge-shaped piece that reflected their favorite place or time on Earth. The idea was for them to each create their own “slice of life”.
  • Treestand Safety at Lake Shelbyville

     Lake Shelbyville – With archery deer season quickly approaching many hunters will be heading to
  • Lake Shelbyville Seeks Information from Hunters

    Lake Shelbyville – With archery deer season quickly approaching many hunters will be heading to
  • Lake Shelbyville No Hunting Boundaries Updated

    Lake Shelbyville – The Environmental Stewardship section recently completed updating the No Hunting
  • Locks 27 at Chain of Rocks Canal closed for emergency repairs

    ST. LOUIS – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has closed Locks 27 at Chain of Rocks Canal, to commercial and recreational traffic for emergency repairs.
  • Army Corps of Engineers waives day-use fees on National Public Lands Day, Sept. 29

    WASHINGTON – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) announced today that it will waive day-use