Contact Info

Mailing Address:
Wappapello Lake Project Office
10992 Highway T
Wappapello, MO 63966-9603

Project Office: (573) 222-8562
Visitor Assistance: (573) 778-5404
24-Hour Info-line: (573) 222-2139
Toll-Free: 877-LAKEINFO

Camping Reservation:

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Wappapello Lake Master Plan & Shoreline Management Plan

The 2020 Wappapello Lake Master Plan and Shoreline Management Plan updates are complete. The Corps of Engineers began soliciting feedback from partners, stakeholders, and the public beginning in early December 2017. Public workshops were held in September of 2019 to provide an opportunity for Wappapello Lake staff and interested parties to conduct an open discussion about the plans.

Members of the public and a variety of stakeholders provided comments and input throughout the development of the Master Plan and the Shoreline Management Plan.  All of this feedback was compiled and considered during the development of the final drafts of the updated plans. Although these plans have been completed, public comment is still welcome.

Planning for the Future

These documents serve as guides for how public resources at Wappapello Lake will be managed. However, as conditions change, it may on occasion be necessary to make minor modifications to adapt to unique or unforeseen challenges.  Any future updates will be posted here to ensure all visitors, partners, and stakeholders interested in the future of Wappapello Lake are informed of strategic changes to resource management.

What is a Master Plan?

A Project Master Plan is defined by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as the strategic land use management document that guides the comprehensive management and development of all project recreational, natural, and cultural resources throughout the life of a Corps water resources development project. In general, it defines “how” the resources will be managed for public use and resource conservation. The MP does not address the specifics of regional water quality, shoreline management, or water level management. Additionally, the operation and management of associated prime facilities (dam, gates, powerhouses, spillways, etc.) is not included.

What is a Shoreline Management Plan?

A Shoreline Management Plan is defined by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as a part of the Operational Management Plan (OMP) for each project to develop management strategies for existing and anticipated natural resource management activities. The Shoreline Management Plan is implemented at the Project level and establishes policy and guidelines for the protection and management of the shoreline under Corps jurisdiction to promote the safe and healthful use of the shoreline by the public while maintaining environmental safeguards to ensure a quality resource. The Shoreline Management Plan consists of a map showing the shoreline allocations around the lake, related rules and regulations, a discussion of what areas are open and closed to specific activities and facilities, how to apply for permits, and other information pertinent to the Corps management of the shoreline.

Data and Reference

The 2020 Wappapello Lake Master Plan, along with the Shoreline Management Plan, are available for view and download through the links below. Please be aware, the full versions of the Plan documents are large so you may want to avoid downloading them while on a limited data network.

2020 Master Plan

Main Master Plan Document

Environmental Assessment (Appendix A)

Expand List item 25168Collapse List item 25168  Plate Maps
Expand List item 25170Collapse List item 25170  Supplements (Updates to the 2020 Plan)

There are no approved supplements at this time.

2020 Shoreline Management Plan

Thumbs up for safety!