Corps of Engineers Park Rangers serve local schools and organizations throughout the year by providing quality interpretive educational programming on and off-site. Program topics include the Corps of Engineers mission, water safety, environmental stewardship, STEM (science, technology, engineering, & math), natural resource management, and recreation.

Environmental Science Series (ESS) programs are hosted at the Rend Lake Visitor Center every Saturday from Memorial Day through Labor Day. Programs may include crafts, live animals, science experiments, or star gazing. Programs are always free, open to the public, and enjoyable for all ages. Annual ESS schedules are posted on the Rend Lake Project Office/Visitor Center Facebook page.

Small World Programs are specifically designed for toddlers 5 years of age and younger. These programs are offered the second Tuesday of every month. Program themes change, but typically include story time, a craft, and a hands-on activity.
Water Safety Programs are conducted weekends during the recreation season at South Sandusky and North Marcum beaches to help increase awareness about water safety.
Off-Site Programs are conducted at area schools, libraries, and other organizations. Programs include, but are not limited to, water safety, snakes, birds, and other environmental topics based on the needs of the group.
Special Events such as the annual Earth Day Celebration are a staple of the outreach programming at Rend Lake. The Earth Day celebration brings local third and sixth grade school children to the project for day-long educational activities offered by Corps of Engineers Park Rangers and numerous community partners.
Illinois Department of Natural Resources Trunks and Field Packs are educational resources available for loan from the Rend Lake Visitor Center.
For more information on interpretive and outreach programming contact the Rend Lake Project Office at 618-724-2493.