USACE Annual Pass Program
If you are a frequent visitor of US Army Corps of Engineers day use facilities, an annual pass is available for purchase at any area field office, visitor center, or through the mail for a price of $40.00. Annual passes are valid at Corps of Engineers recreation areas only; they do not entitle the holder to access campgrounds and do not provide discounted camping fees.
The USACE Annual Pass is accepted at all Corps of Engineers facilities across the United States. When purchased, an annual pass is valid for one calendar year from the month of sale. The annual pass is provided in the form of a plastic hang tag. Along with the annual sticker, a second sticker will be issued indicating the month the pass was purchased. Both stickers will be permanently affixed to the pass.
The pass must be suspended from the interior rearview mirror or otherwise displayed with the stickers visible from outside the vehicle. Duplicate and replacement annual passes are no longer available. The new hang tag can be moved between vehicles. Visitors may purchase as many annual passes as desired.
Holders of America the Beautiful Passes or Golden Age/Access Passport cards may launch free of charge provided the cards are displayed. Card holders are available free of charge.

America the Beautiful Interagency Passes
For more information regarding any of the America the Beautiful Interagency Passes visit
The Forest Service, the National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, and US Army Corp of Engineers honor all the America the Beautiful Passes.
Passes may be obtained at hundreds of locations throughout the country, including many Federal recreation sites where they are accepted. See for sites that issue the Interagency Passes.
America the Beautiful Annual Pass
Cost: $80
Anyone 16 years or older may purchase the pass; children under 16 are always admitted free. Each Annual Pass can have only one owner.
Pass holders and accompanying passengers in a single, private*, noncommercial vehicle receive free entrance to federal sites that charge Entrance or Standard Amenity fees (Day use fees). Camping fees are not included.
Pass valid for one full year from month of purchase (through last day of that month).
America the Beautiful Access Pass
Cost: FREE
The Access Pass may be issued to U.S. citizens or permanent residents of any age that have been medically determined to have a permanent disability (does not have to be a 100% disability) that severely limits one or more major life activities.
A permanent disability is a permanent physical, mental, or sensory impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, such as caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working.
Pass holders receive free lifetime entrance to federal sites that charge Entrance and Standard Amenity fees (Day use fees). Pass holders also receive a 50% discount on fees at federal campgrounds.
The Access Pass is nontransferable and does NOT cover or reduce special recreation permit fees or fees charged by concessionaires.
America the Beautiful Senior Lifetime Pass
Cost: $80
Available For: US citizens or permanent residents ages 62 or over. Applicants must provide documentation of age and residency or citizenship.
Pass holders receive free lifetime entrance to federal sites that charge Entrance and Standard Amenity fees (Day use fees).
Pass holders also receive a 50% discount on expanded amenity fees (such as camping).
America the Beautiful Senior Annual Pass
Cost: $20
Available For: US citizens or permanent residents ages 62 or over. Applicants must provide documentation of age and residency or citizenship.
Pass holders receive free entrance to federal sites that charge Entrance and Standard Amenity fees (Day use fees) for one year from month of purchase.
Pass holders also receive a 50% discount on expanded amenity fees (such as camping).
All agencies will upgrade an Annual Senior Pass to Lifetime Senior Pass if requested by the pass holder. The Annual Senior Pass owner may exchange from 1 to 4 of her/his passes by presenting the Pass(s) and paying the difference between the combined price of these passes and the $80 purchase price of the Lifetime Senior Pass. All of the Annual Senior Passes presented for an upgrade must have been issued to the visitor who is requesting the upgrade along with photo ID verifying ownership. Note: The Annual Senior Passes being exchanged do not have to have been purchased in consecutive years.

America the Beautiful Military Lifetime Pass
Cost: FREE
Available for: Gold Star Families with a Gold Star Family Voucher and US military veterans with a valid , veteran ID.
Pass holders receive free lifetime entrance to federal sites that charge Entrance and Standard Amenity fees (Day use fees).
This pass does not cover expanded amenity fees (such as camping and guided tours).
America the Beautiful Military Pass
Cost: FREE
Available for: Current US military members and their dependents in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, and Space Force, as well as Reserve and National Guard members.
Pass holders receive free entrance to federal sites that charge Entrance and Standard Amenity fees (Day use fees) for one year from month of issuance.
This pass does not cover expanded amenity fees (such as camping and guided tours).
America the Beautiful Volunteer Pass
Cost: FREE
Available for: Volunteers with 250 service hours with federal agencies that participate in the Interagency Pass Program.
Pass holders receive free entrance to federal sites that charge Entrance and Standard Amenity fees (Day use fees) for one year from month of issuance.
This pass does not cover expanded amenity fees (such as camping and guided tours).
America the Beautiful Every Kid Outdoors Pass
Cost: FREE for US fourth grade students
To obtain the pass a U.S. fourth grade student must visit the bilingual, participate in a short educational activity, and then download the paper voucher to print and bring with them to visit public lands and waters nationwide. At certain participating sites, fourth graders can exchange the paper voucher for a durable plastic Interagency Annual Fourth Grade Pass. Either the paper voucher or the durable pass can be used for fee free entry or day use.
Pass holders receive free entrance to federal sites that charge Entrance and Standard Amenity fees (Day use fees) for one year from month of issuance.
This pass does not cover expanded amenity fees (such as camping and guided tours).

*A private, noncommercial vehicle is defined as any passenger car, station wagon, pickup/camper truck, recreation vehicle, or other motor vehicle used for private recreation purposes. This definition EXCLUDES a snowmobile, motorcycle, motor scooter, moped, or bicycle.
Changes in Golden Passport Program
The Golden Passport Program expired December 31, 2006. Golden Passports are still honored at Corps recreation sites, but can no longer be issued by the Corps. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and other federal agencies will no longer issue Golden Age and Golden Access passports. With the passage by Congress of the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act of 2004, Public Law 108-447, these passports have been replaced with the new America the Beautiful passes.
The Interagency America the Beautiful Senior Pass for age-related discounts and the Interagency Access Pass for disability-related discounts have replaced the Golden Age/Golden Access Passport passes. However, the Golden Age and Golden Access passports are lifetime passes that will continue to be honored for the pass owner’s lifetime. If a Golden Age or Golden Access passport is lost or stolen, there is no mechanism in place for replacing it; therefore, a new America the Beautiful pass must be purchased.