Dogtooth Bend Nonstructural Mitigation Plan


This Non-structural Mitigation Plan is being developed as an interagency nonstructural Flood Risk Management study via the Silver Jackets program. Silver Jackets is funded under the USACE Flood Plain Management Services program and is authorized by Section 206 of the 1960 Flood Control Act (P.L. 86-645), as amended. The program allows the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to conduct small, conceptual studies for local communities with the objective of fostering public understanding of the options available to manage flood hazards and to promote prudent use and management of the nation's floodplains. The Silver Jackets program brings together multiple state, federal, and local agencies, as well as non-governmental agencies, to leverage resources, learn from one another, and apply trans-disciplinary knowledge to reduce the risk of flooding as well as enhance response and recovery efforts when such events do occur.


The purpose of this Non-Structural Mitigation Plan is to enhance Dogtooth Bend area flood resilience. Flood resilience refers to the ability of a geographic area to withstand a flooding event, minimize damages, and rapidly recover. An effective Plan offers options to lessen the impacts of future flooding on the lives and livelihoods of those owning or living near the project area.  

The goals of this Non-Structural Mitigation Plan include:

  1. Reducing loss of life, injury and hardship due to floods;
  2. Reducing flood-related damages;
  3. Reducing public expenditures on future flood damage reduction measures, emergency response actions, and post-disaster assistance; and
  4. Preserving and enhancing natural floodplain values for fish and wildlife habitat along with their attendant benefits of groundwater recharge, moderation of floods, water quality improvement, and reduced erosion and sedimentation.

This interagency Silver Jackets project informs what private and agency interests exist and where, evaluate and identify what nonstructural mitigation options have been considered and where, identifies what nonstructural mitigation measures have been considered as part of the analysis and creates a nonstructural mitigation plan that is coordinated with our interagency partners including the levee district and aligns with multiple authorities and agency interests bringing together a consolidated plan under one cover.


Monthly Silver Jacket project partnership meetings are facilitated by The Nature Conservancy and includes USACE, USDA and IDNR. These meetings enable

  • USACE provides key updates on status of projects to maintain the navigation channel, risk assessments to model current conditions and flood induced changes across the peninsula, as well as provide updates on our analysis of the levee districts request. 
  • USDA provides status updates on progress with voluntary easements and habitat restoration. 
  • TNC informs on engagement efforts with landowners and technical evaluations they are funding through Southern Illinois University at Carbondale and closely monitors agency actions to achieve vision of natural and nature based solution in the peninsula. 
  • IDNR maintains visibility and awareness due to the political, technical and social challenges that exist in the project area and provides support on structure elevation data, recommends nonstructural mitigation measures, restoration of habitat types and identify areas of habitat significance. 


Objective No. 1: USACE evaluate alternatives provided/requested by the levee district for alignment with our Navigation mission and other partner projects in the area. 

Objective No. 2: Identify future flood mitigation and restoration actions that will be undertaken by interagency partners.

Objective No. 3: Develop interagency vision and available mitigation options for the planning area. 

Solving Civil Works challenges like this requires USACE to balance a host of technical, financial, political, and social challenges that requires significant public and private interest to overcome these challenges. Ongoing communication, coordination, and collaboration is necessary to develop and implement a nonstructural mitigation plan that bridges the gap between USACE authorities, private interest as well as other federal and state agency and non-governmental organization activities creating a common vision for the project area.  


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
St. Louis District 
Programs & Project Management 
1222 Spruce Street
St. Louis, MO 63103-2833

(314) 331-8012