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OD-R 23-026 - Pump Station Improvements
The applicant is requesting to build an additional pump station next to the existing Scott County Pump Station near the Scott County levee embankment. The pumps will take water from the existing intake channel through discharge pipes that will run up and over the levee and discharge into the existing discharge bay. The applicant is also considering a alternate alignment that will reduce the footprint of the project. The alternate alignment is shown in the attached drawing. The project also includes the construction of a bridge across the intake channel, east of the proposed pump station, that will be lined with trash racks to prevent large debris from entering the intakes of the pump stations. The bridge will also provide access for machinery to remove the debris and serve as a path for farm equipment.
December 11, 2024 to January 9, 2025 |
OD-R 24-028 - Spire Pipeline Integrity Digs
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the Chain of Rocks East Levee embankment. The project intends to excavate and expose two sections of its existing underground 10-inch steel natural gas liquid pipeline to repair suspected damages to the pipeline. Both excavations will occur within the embankment of and within close proximity to the centerline of the levee embankment, which overlies this pipeline. Both excavations will be backfilled back to the original grade upon completion of pipeline repairs.
December 4, 2024 to January 2, 2025 |
OD-R 24-023 - Gateway Endo (Tenat Health)
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the Monarch-Chesterfield Levee seepage berm. The project includes construction of a 27,980-square-foot medical office building, patient parking to the north and south of the building, expanding the drainage ditch south of N. Outer 40, and the construction of storm sewers leading to two bio-retention basins. Specifically, this Section 408 application details the drainage ditch, part of the northern storm sewer, and a parking lot that all overlap the seepage berm on the north side of the project and would be located within the levee right of way. A review of the proposed storm water system and bioretention areas are being completed to ensure there are no adverse impacts to the function of the levee project, but these areas fall outside the jurisdiction of the Section 408 alteration request.
November 18 to December 17, 2024 |
OD-R 24-018 - Madisonville 12 Pipeline Inspection,Repair
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the Consolidated North County Levee System. The proposed alteration includes the inspection/repair of the 12-inch Madisonville Pipeline located in the foundation of the Consolidated North County Levee System. Specifically, this Section 408 application details the excavation and restoration of the levee embankment that will be altered to access the pipeline.
September 26 to October 25, 2024 |
OD-R 23-036 - Grapevine Rd. Bridge Replacement - North Alexander DLD
The applicant is proposing to replace the Grapevine Road Bridge that crosses Clear Creek. Portions of this project would require alterations to the North Alexander Levee embankment. Specifically, this Section 408 application details the bridge abutment and revetement that are on the levee embankment west of Clear Creek. A review of the bridge abutments located on the west bank of Clear Creek is being completed to ensure there are no adverse impacts the function of the levee project, but this area falls outside the jurisdiction of the Section 408.
September 24, 2024 to October 23, 2024 |
OD-R 23-020 - Carshield FC Soccer Training and Playing Facility
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the Monarch-Chesterfield Levee seepage berm. The proposed alteration includes the construction of a sportsplex along Eatherton Road. Specifically, this Section 408 application details the parking lot that overlaps the seepage berm in the northwest corner of the project that is located within the levee right of way. A review of the proposed storm water system is being completed to ensure there are no adverse impacts the function of the levee project, but this area falls outside the jurisdiction of the Section 408 alteration request.
September 10, 2024 to October 9, 2024 |
OD-R 24-015 - Confluence Trail Rehabilitation Project - LWR - Wood River D&LD
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the Wood River Levee embankment. SMS Engineers Inc. proposes to resurface the existing confluence trail that runs along the top of the Lower Wood River levee. The old surface and subsurface materials will be removed and replaced with new material. The trail will be paved with impervious material.
July 12, 2024 to August 11, 2024 |
OD-R 24-012 Farm Site Driveways - Chester Bridge
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the Bois Brule Levee. The proposed alterations include the construction three ramps that will allow property owners to access the properties during construction of the Chester Bridge. Specifically, this Section 408 application details the alterations to the levee embankment that will occur when materials are placed on the levee for trafficability and ease of access.
May 28, 2024 to June 25, 2024 |
OD-R 23-043 - OD-R 23-009 Monarch Chesterfield Spirit 2 Forcemain
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the Monarch-Chesterfield Levee and the Levee Seepage Berm. The proposed alterations include the installation of a forcemain sewer varying from 12 to 16 inches in diameter which will impact the associated seepage berm within St. Louis County, Missouri. Specifically, this Section 408 application details the portion of the project between RHL Drive and the Caulk A Pump Station. The pipeline will be installed under the seepage berm by open cutting and the portion that crosses the Monarch Chesterfield Levee and Bonhomme Creek will be installed via trenchless technology.
May 8, 2024 to June 7, 2024 |
OD-R 23-004 Spire Pipeline Replacement
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the MESD / Chain of Rocks East Levee System, the Chain of Rocks Canal, and the Chain of Rocks West guide levee. The project is located between Granite City and Chouteau Island in Madison County, Illinois. The project consists of removing a portion of existing 10-inch steel propane pipeline underneath the Chain of Rocks Canal (Canal) and installing a new portion of 10-inch steel pipeline through horizontal directional drill (HDD) underneath the Canal at a greater depth and modified alignment to accommodate maintenance dredging within the Canal. The new portion of the pipeline will connect to the existing propane transmission line on the west side of the Canal.
April 15, 2024 to May 14, 2024 |
OD-R 23-040 - New Poag Road Site
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the MESD / Chain of Rocks East Levee embankment. The proposed alteration includes the construction of a warehouse, 80 acre stone yard for storage, and retention ponds. Specifically, this Section 408 application details the fill that will be placed on the levee to facilitate drainage away from the levee for the entire parcel and the retention pond which will be used as the source of fill material. These areas are highlight on the location maps that are attached to this notice. The details of the fence located the property boundary are also being reviewed under this Section 408 permission request, but all other site work is outside of the jurisdiction of the Section 408 program and therefore not covered under this request.
April 12, 2024 to May 11, 2024 |
OD-R 23-029 - Hartford River Dock Lagoon Closure Project
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the Wood River Levee embankment. Premcor proposes to remediate sediments located in #1, #2, and #3 Lagoons of the River Dock Area of the Premcor Facility (Facility), located in Hartford, Illinois . The River Dock Area is located west of the Village of Hartford, between the flood control levee, authorized and constructed by the USACE and operated and maintained by the WRDLD as the Wood River D&LD Lower Levee System (WRDLD Levee), and the Mississippi River. It includes three connected Lagoons with a total 2 area of approximately 47.8 acres. From south to north, the Lagoons are referred to as #1 Lagoon, #2 Lagoon, and #3 Lagoon.
February 29, 2024 to March 28, 2024 |
OD-R 22-036 - Properties West of CVAC (Gateway Studios)
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the Monarch-Chesterfield Levee embankment and seepage berm. The proposed alteration includes the construction of two multistory buildings with associated parking lots and underground utilities including a water and sewer main that run through the project footprint, a recreational pond with walking trails, and parking lots at the access points. Specifically, this Section 408 application details improvements to the portions of the project that are located on the seepage berm and those that are within the levee easement. A review of the recreational pond and walking trails was completed to ensure there were no adverse impacts to the usefulness of the federal project or the injuries to the public interest.
February 15, 2024 to March 14, 2024 |
OD-R 23-041 - Edgar Lake Pump Station Replacement Borings
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the Prairie Du Rocher & Modoc and Edgar Lakes Levee embankment. The proposed alteration includes geotechnical exploration. Specifically, this Section 408 application details the geotechnical exploration and drilling plan of three soil test borings. The borings will be advanced to depths of approximately 70 or 100 feet.
February 13, 2024 to March 5, 2024 |
OD-R 23-043 - Chesterfield Archer Range - MCLD
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the Monarch-Chesterfield Levee embankment. The proposed alteration includes the construction of an archery range. Specifically, this Section 408 application details improvements to the roadway that crosses the levee embankment, the gate structure that will be constructed on the landside access ramp entrance, and the fill that is placed within the levee right of way on the riverside of the embankment. A review of the concrete work on the range and the backstop berm are being completed to ensure there are no adverse impacts the function of the levee project, but this area falls outside the jurisdiction of the Section 408.
January 18, 2024 to February 17, 2024 |
OD-R 23-046 - ADM East Prairie St Track Addition - STL
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the St Louis Flood Protection Project System Levee embankment. The proposed alterations include the installation of a track at the ADM facility located at 105 East Prairie Ave. Specifically, this Section 408 application details the track being installed directly adjacent to the St Louis Flood Protection Project System Levee that will require the placement of ballast material on the levee embankment.
January 4, 2024 to February 3, 2024 |
OD-R 23-021 - OD-R 23-024 - Ameren Gateway AC Mitigation Project
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the Wood River Drainage and Levee district embankment in Madison County, Illinois, the MESD/Chain of Rocks East Levee System in Madison and St Clair County, Illinois, and the Chain of Rocks West Levee System in Madison County, Illinois. The proposed alterations include the installation of a solid zinc ribbon located 48 inches below existing grade and approximately 5 feet from the associated pipeline. All ribbons will be installed in a trench that will be dug using a 24-inch bucket. The excavated material will be removed from the site and the backfilled material will be clean/neat clay from an approved quarry. All excavation will occur within previously disturbed ground that was excavated for the installation of the existing pipelines. No new pipelines will be installed as part of this project.
December 12, 2023 to January 11, 2023 |
OD-R 23-037 -Triples Lakes Road Bridge Replacement - MESD
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the MESD Levee embankment. The proposed alterations include geotechnical exploration. Specifically, this Section 408 application details the geotechnical exploration and drilling plan of two soil test borings. The borings will be advanced to depths of approximately 90 feet.
November 7, 2023 to November 30, 2023 |
OD-R 23-035 - Grapevine Rd. Bridge Replacement Borings - North Alexander D&LD
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the North Alexander Levee embankment. The proposed alterations include geotechnical exploration. Specifically, this Section 408 application details the geotechnical exploration and drilling plan of five soil test borings (B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, and B-5). The borings will be advanced to depths of 100 feet unless refusal terminates drilling at a shallower depth.
October 13, 2023 to November 3, 2023 |
OD-R 23-008 - Energy Transfer Natural Gas Line
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the Metro East Sanitary District embankment in Madison County, Illinois. The proposed alterations include the installation of a 4-inch diameter natural gas transmission pipeline system. The purpose of the proposed project is to take the natural gas produced by the Ameresco RNG Facility and transport it to the East Line for use in Mississippi River Transmission’s natural gas transmission pipeline system. The Project was designed to route the gas from the Ameresco RNG Facility to MRT’s pipeline system in the most direct manner practicable which required a crossing of Metro East Sanitary District’s (MESD) levee, which is proposed via horizontal directional drill (HDD).
October 5, 2023 to November 4, 2023 |
OD-R 23-011 - Former Wood River Refinery Well Installations and Abandonments
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the Wood River Drainage and Levee district embankment in Madison County, Illinois. The proposed alterations include the abandonment of an existing monitoring well and the construction of three new monitoring wells that will provide sampling abilities at various depths. The work is being performed in association with the environmental assessment at the Former BP Wood River Refinery in Wood River, Illinois.
October 5, 2023 to October 26, 2023 |
OD-R 23-010 - IL 111 Repairs over Cahokia Diversion Canal with Alterations to the Floodwall
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the Metro East Sanitary District and the Lower Wood River Levees in Madison County, Illinois. The proposed alterations include the rehabilitation of the IL-111 Bridge across the Cahokia Diversion Canal and modifications to the Closure structures at each of the levee crossings. The project will remove and replace the floodgate highway structures in order to return the floodgates to an operational condition.
September 15, 2023 to October 14, 2023 |
OD-R 23-025 - Porsche Service Center
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the Monarch Chesterfield Levee District in St. Louis County, Missouri. The proposed alterations include a building and parking lot that will be constructed on the MCLD seepage berm. The facility is planned for an approximate 5.2- acre lot, located at 17455 North Outer Forty Road in Chesterfield, Missouri. The location of the site is shown on the attached.
September 15, 2023 to October 14, 2023 |
OD-R 23-018 Spunky Bottoms Levee Repair and Water Control Structure
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the Little Creek Levee in Brown County, Illinois. The proposed alterations include the repair of two levee breaches that occurred during the 2013 flood. Embankment from local borrow sources is proposed for the repair section and the breach section of the levee. A permanent drainage structure is also proposed in the breach section. The proposed drainage structure is a 72-inch diameter concrete pipe with a water control system that will allow for fish passage. The drainage structure will also include a sampling structure.
July 31, 2023 to August 18, 2023 |
OD-R 18-006 Chester Bridge - Bois Brule
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the Bois Brule Levee and Mississippi River Navigation Channel. The proposed alterations include the construction of a new US Highway 51 bridge that crosses the Bois Brule Levee and the Mississippi river. Specifically, this Section 408 application details the portion of the project where the highway embankment crosses the Bois Brule Levee embankment and the bridge piers and revetment work that is occurring within banks of the Mississippi River. The new two-lane bridge and roadway is approximately 150 feet upstream of the existing bridge. The new Mississippi River bridge design is a four-span cable-stay bridge with two precast concrete girder span approaches on the Missouri side and one precast concrete girder span on the Illinois side. The new bridge includes two piers in the Mississippi River and one pier on the Missouri overbank land area. The river piers are supported on drilled shaft foundations constructed within cofferdams. In addition, the project includes a span of the Horse Island Chute with a four-span precast concrete girder supported on driven pipe piles. Construction of the new bridge and roadway embankment and removal of the old bridge will result in temporary and permanent impacts to the Mississippi River and the Bois Brule Levee.
June 23, 2023 to July 8, 2023 |
OD-R 22-020 Ameren Branch 658 Transmission Line - CNCLD
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the Consolidated North County Levee. The proposed alterations include the replacement of the Ameren Branch 658 supporting towers and transmission Line that cross the Consolidated North County Levee and the Missouri River. The existing lattice steel structures will be removed, and the concrete piers will be cut below grade. Existing Structure 114 will not be replaced as part of this project and the span of the project that crosses the Missouri River will be support by new structures replacing Structures 113 and 115. The max sage clearance elevation for the portion of the project crossing the Missouri River will be 525ft.
June 21, 2023 to July 20, 2023 |
OD-R 22-011 West End Pump Station - MCLD Public Notice
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the Monarch-Chesterfield Levee and the Levee Seepage Berm. The proposed alterations include the installation of a pump station with associated discharge pipes that cross the seepage berm and the levee in St. Louis County, Missouri. Specifically, this Section 408 application details the portion of the project where the discharge pipes cross the levee and the seepage berm. Three 42” discharge pipes will cross over the levee and seepage berm and discharge water onto a concrete and sheet pile discharge bay that is located at the riverside levee toe. A siphon break/air release is also located at the levee crown.
June 21, 2023 to July 20, 2023 |
OD-R 23-004A Spire Pipeline Replacement Geotechnical Exploration - COR
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the MESD / Chain of Rocks East Levee System. The proposed alterations include geotechnical exploration, which will impact the associated levee within Madison County, Illinois. Specifically, this Section 408 application details the geotechnical exploration and drilling plan of two standard penetration tests (B-1 and B-2).
April 20, 2023 to May 5, 2023 |
OD-R 23-002 17995 North Outer Forty Road Borings - MCLD
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the Monarch-Chesterfield Levee and the Levee Seepage Berm. The proposed alterations include geotechnical exploration, which will impact the associated seepage berm within St. Louis County, Missouri. Specifically, this Section 408 application details the geotechnical exploration and drilling plan of seven standard penetration tests (B-101, B-102, B-103, B-104, B-105, B-106, and B-107).
February 28, 2023 to March 14, 2023 |
OD-R 22-008 Spire HDD Through Seepage Berm Along North Eartherton Rd. - MCLD
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the Monarch-Chesterfield Levee and the Levee Seepage Berm. The proposed alterations include the installation of an 8-inch plastic pipeline for natural gas distribution in St. Louis County, Missouri. Specifically, this Section 408 application details the drilling plan and installation of the natural gas pipeline within the seepage berm and over the seepage berm for the portion located within the roadway embankment.
February 28, 2023 to March 29, 2023 |
OD-R 22-023 MESD STL Bluebird Fiber Optic Line
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the East St Louis Flood Protection System Levee, the City of St Louis Flood Protection System, and the Mississippi River Navigation Channel. The proposed alterations include the installation of a directionally drilled steel casing that will house a fiber optic communications line that will be installed under East St Louis Flood Protection System Levee, the City of St Louis Flood Protection System, and the Mississippi River Navigation Channel.
November 2, 2022 to December 1, 2022 |
OD-R 21-029 Grand Tower to West Frankfort Transmission Line Project
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the Grant Tower Levee. The proposed alterations include the replacement of structures 36 and 37 which are approximately 145 feet landside and 605 feet riverside of the levee centerline respectively. A new transmission line will be suspended between the new structures with an approximate clearance of 40 feet over the levee crown.
September 23, 2022 to October 22, 2022 |
OD-R 22-025 City of Saint Peters Old Town Levee District Salt River Road Fiber Optic Line
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the City of St. Peters Old Town Levee. The proposed alterations include the installation of a directionally drilled 2 inch diameter fiber optic installed over the levee, that will be located within the roadway embankment.
August 26, 2022 to September 25, 2022 |
OD-R 22-021 Monarch Chesterfield Spirit 2 Forcemain Geotechnical Exploration
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the Monarch-Chesterfield Levee and the Levee Seepage Berm. The proposed alterations include geotechnical exploration in preparation for the construction of a municipal water supply line, which will impact the associated seepage berm within St. Louis County, Missouri. Specifically, this Section 408 application details the geotechnical exploration and drilling plan of nine cone penetration tests (BP-32, B-33, B-34, BP-35, B-36, BP-37, B-38, B-39, and B-42). Temporary piezometers will be installed at the BP-32, BP-35, and BP-37 locations after completion of the geotechnical exploration.
August 1, 2022 to August 31, 2022 |
OD-R 19-012 Hardin to Eldred Transmission Line
The purpose of the proposed project is to build an above-ground 69kV transmission pole route in order to provide electricity and redundancy in the case of power outages to the Hardin to Eldred, Illinois communities.
The applicant is requesting easements for a 100-foot-wide strip of land, 50-feet on either side of the pole line, for the transmission poles intersecting the Nutwood levee embankment. The majority of poles utilized in construction will be wood, approximately 60-90 feet tall, and framed in a horizontal post configuration. Poles which cross obstacles, i.e. the river or other transmission lines, may utilize alterative configurations such as a single pole with cross arms or multi-pole structures.
July 14, 2022 to August 13, 2022 |
OD-R 22-012 Monarch Chesterfield N Outer Forty Rd. Drilling
The applicant is requesting to make alterations to the Monarch-Chesterfield Levee Seepage Berm. The proposed alterations include the preparation of the construction of a commercial business, which will impact the associated seepage berm within St. Louis County, Missouri. Specifically, this Section 408 application details the geotechnical exploration and drilling plan of two cone penetration tests (B-6 and B-7) at the 17455 North Outer Forty Road Address.
May 20, 2022 to June 19, 2022 |