Regulatory Branch


Published Jan. 20, 2016
Expiration date: 2/11/2016

The applicant seeks authorization to construct the Martin Family Lake for recreation benefits within their property boundaries. The proposed lake is 21-acres in size and is located approximately 1.7 miles northeast of Bonnie, Illinois. The proposed work includes grading and shaping the lake bottom, tree clearing and the construction of the earthen dam. The applicant will construct the dam utilizing clay soils, proper compaction and the placement of riprap to prevent scour and erosion.


The proposed lake would impact three unnamed tributaries of Atchison Creek from either the construction of the dam structure or inundation from the proposed lake. One stream has been delineated as intermittent (RPW) and the remaining two streams have been delineated as ephemeral (Non-RPW). Approximately 2,057-lineal feet of the intermittent stream and 675-lineal feet and 165-lineal feet of the ephemeral streams would be impacted by the project. Compensatory Mitigation for the impacts to the streams were assessed utilizing the Illinois Stream Mitigation Method (ISMM).       


The applicant is proposing permittee-responsible compensatory stream mitigation to offset the adverse impacts to the three streams within the project footprint. The proposed mitigation plan is designed to restore the channelized section of intermittent stream downstream of the project site, south of Saddle Club Road. The existing channelized portion of the stream is approximately 2,015-linear feet in length. The existing stream is a Rosgen G channel with little access to the adjacent floodplain. The proposed restoration of the channel would increase the length of the stream to approximately 2,075-linear feet. The goal is to create a new, meandering, Rosgen E channel with a small Newbury Riffle at the outlet end for stability.


More specifically, the proposed project is located in the Southeast ¼ of Sections 33, Township 03 South, Range 03 East, with the compensatory mitigation site located in the Northeast ¼ of Section 4, Township 04 South, Range 03 East of the 3rd Principle Meridian, Jefferson County, Illinois.

The Public Notice comment period opens on January 22, 2016, and closes on February 11, 2016.