This project originally went out for Public Notice on October 31, 2017, however due to length of the duration for the anticipated project and a modification of the finalized plans; You are invited to review and comment on Public Notice P-3068
The applicant seeks authorization to construct an approximate 600-foot long, earthen dam across the western end of a small valley containing an unnamed tributary to Belews Creek. Construction of the dam will create an approximately 9.03-acre lake. A 190-foot drain pipe will be placed under the dam and discharge into the unnamed tributary at the edge of the southern berm of the dam. An emergency spillway is proposed at the southwest corner of the lake and will drain northwest into the unnamed tributary, approximately 200 feet downstream of the lake outflow pipe. Construction material necessary for the dam will be excavated on-site. The revised lake plan is depicted on an aerial photograph and enclosed as Figure 2. Based on the proposed dam height and revised site plan, approximately 1,980 linear feet (LF) of the unnamed intermittent tributary will be impacted by dam construction, inundation and piping.
The proposed lake will be constructed approximately 1.8 miles northwest of Hillsboro, Missouri (38.25518,-90.57924). More specifically, the proposed project is located in Section 28, Township 41 North, Range 04 East, Jefferson County, Missouri.
Written comments must be submitted by replying by electronic mail or written mail to the address in the notice.
The Public Notice comment period opens April 22, 2020 and closes May 12, 2020.