The Land Learning Foundation has requested approval for an In-Lieu Fee (ILF) mitigation project in Franklin County, Missouri. The subject site consists of approximately 35+/- acres within the Missouri River floodplain. The Land Learning Foundation refers to this project as the Labadie Bottoms site, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps) has designated this project as MVS-2019-409. The mitigation project includes the preservation and restoration of a functional emergent wetland area, while providing enhanced water quality and wildlife habitat.
A full technical description and illustrations can be found in the attached document. If approved by the Corps, the Labadie Bottoms site will create a total potential mitigation credit release of 138.2 wetland credits. The Sponsor would make the wetland credits available to Department of the Army permittees seeking to fulfill requirements to purchase compensatory mitigation credit, in order to offset losses of aquatic functions and services.
The Corps solicits your comment on the proposed mitigation project, responses are due to this office no later than January 13, 2020.