Tag: Bois Brule Deficiency Correction Project
  • December

    Many Celebrate Completion of Bois Brule Levee Project

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District, leadership held a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the closeout of the Bois Brule Levee Deficiency Correction Project Dec. 6, that provides resilient infrastructure for flood risk reduction within the 26,000 acres of agricultural lands, commercial businesses and homes in the area protected by the levee. Ongoing efforts led by St. Louis District’s interdisciplinary project delivery team with support from the project sponsor, the Bois Brule Levee Drainage and Levee District, have corrected underseepage and inadequate levee grade issues along the Bois Brule levee in Perry County, Missouri, and Randolph County, Illinois, located on the right descending bank of the Upper Mississippi River between river miles 94 and 111.