The Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) continues its efforts to complete remediation at the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant (IAAAP) near Middletown, Iowa.
In fiscal year 2023 as of June 30, FUSRAP added 884.22 cubic yards of contaminated soil shipped (to a licensed, out-of-state disposal facility) to its total shipped through FY22 -- 43,386 CY -- for a grand total of about 44,270 CY.
For the past several months, efforts to complete remediation have included work to award a new remediation contract to finish the remediation at Firing Site (FS)-12. Some limited remediation at FS-6 may be necessary; therefore, efforts to investigate the extent of the contamination have also continued.
Additionally, a contract was put in place to transport and dispose of the processed soil that exceeded the remediation goals. Mobilization of manpower and equipment began July 10 and is set to be completed before the end of the month.
Finally, the project delivery team (PDT) from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), St. Louis District, in partnership with its support contractor, Leidos, is preparing a Five-Year Review for Operable Unit (OU)-8 (radiological contamination). Required by statute, this document is undergoing internal USACE review. After comments have been addressed, the next step is review by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 7 and the State of Iowa.