The Iowa Army Ammunition Plant (IAAAP) Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) site is continuing remediation at Firing Site (FS)-12. As of mid-August 2022, fewer than four survey units still required excavation. As an effective yet cost-saving measure, FUSRAP remediates using a soil-sorting method that segregates depleted uranium from the excavated soil. In fiscal year 2023 as of March 16, FUSRAP added 884.22 cubic yards of contaminated soil shipped (to a licensed, out-of-state disposal facility) to its total shipped through FY22 -- 43,386 CY -- for a grand total of about 44,270 CY.
In many places at the IAAAP FUSRAP site, the project delivery team is restoring areas of remediation or has completed restoration, which includes backfilling, grading and hydroseeding.
In addition, the project delivery team developed a Post-Remedial Action Report/Final Status Survey Evaluation (PRAR/FSSE) for FS-12 survey units cleared in 2021 and other documentation leading to the closeout of Operable Unit (OU)-8. Despite the significant number of mechanical delays that had occurred during remediation of FS-12, the remediation was completed, and the PRAR/FSSE was with regulators for review as of March 16.
Turnover to the Department of Energy’s Office of Legacy Management (DOE-LM) after Remediation Complete is scheduled for fiscal year 2026.