The director of the Department of Energy’s Office of Legacy Management (DOE-LM), Carmelo Melendez, and his staff visited the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant in Middletown, Iowa, Sept. 9. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), St. Louis District, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) is currently remediating the IAAAP FUSRAP Site. Melendez was escorted by St. Louis District executive officer Maj. Nicholas Copeland, IAAAP project manager Mike Kessler, and ordnance-and-explosives safety specialist David Rose. The trip was an opportunity for DOE-LM to learn more about the history of the site, see USACE’s remediation activities at the site in person and continue to build the working relationship between USACE and DOE-LM on the path to site transfer.