Published March 15, 2016

Mark Twain Lake - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Mark Twain Lake, in partnership with the Mark Twain Lake Forest Council and the Missouri State Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation, will hold an Apprentice Spring Turkey Hunt Special Event at Mark Twain Lake on May 7 & 8 2016.  In an effort to introduce new hunters, 16 years old and older, to the adventures of spring turkey hunting and promote the value of public land experiences, the Corps of Engineers will allow ten participants the opportunity to hunt 4,000 acres of lands traditionally not available for public hunting.  A random drawing will be held on April 20, 2016 at 1:00 pm at the Mark Twain Lake Project Office, to determine the ten participant’s hunting locations.  Successful registrants will be encouraged to seek family members and family friends that are experienced turkey hunters to mentor them.

                All hunters must comply with the 2016 Missouri Department of Conservation hunting regulations.  All hunters will be required to purchase the Apprentice Hunter Authorization and a Missouri spring hunting permit.  To insure a safe hunting experience, special event rules will be in effect throughout the two day hunt.  These rules will be outlined for participants prior to the hunt.  Weapons are restricted to 20-gauge or larger shotguns, muzzle loader shotguns or bow and arrow.

All prospective hunters must register on or before the drawing, April 20, 2016 to qualify for the hunt.

Mark Twain Lake
20642 Hwy J, Monroe City, MO, 63456

Release no. 16-021