Benton, Il. - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Rend Lake will be hosting the eighth program in the ongoing Environmental Science Series of Programs. “Birds of Prey,” presented by Bev Shofstall from the Free Again Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, will be held on Saturday, July 5, 2014, at the Rend Lake Project Office and Visitor Center. Visitors will have the opportunity to see a bald eagle, a red-tailed hawk, a turkey vulture, and a kestrel up close as Bev shows some of the fascinating birds of prey that reside at the center. There will be 2 programs; the first will begin at 11 a.m. and the second at 2 p.m.
The Rend Lake Environmental Science Series programs are free of charge and appropriate for all ages. The Rend Lake Project Office is located on the west end of the main dam at Rend Lake. We suggest that you come early, as seating is limited.
Next week’s Environmental Science Series program, held on July 12
th, will be the very popular Nature Craft program. For more information call the Rend Lake Project Office at 618-724-2493.
Release no. 14-047