Mark Twain Lake - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will sponsor a knowledge and skill session of the Missouri Department of Conservation Hunter Education Class. The two classes will be on Saturday, April 5, 2014 at the M.W. Boudreaux Memorial Visitor Center 15 miles south of Monroe City, Missouri. The knowledge portion of the class will start at 8:00 am – 12:00 pm and the skill session of the class will start at 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm.
Class registration must be made on-line at the Missouri Department of Conservation web site: to “Hunter Education” under Regs and areas, then “Find a Hunter Ed Class” under Learn to Hunt, then go to Missouri Hunter Education Classroom Course” and register at the date of the classroom course. Students must be enrolled in each portion of the class that they need. Enrolling in the class room portion does not place student in the skill session.
If you plan to hunt during a Missouri firearms season or you are acting as an adult mentor, you MUST first complete an approved hunter-education certification program and provide proof of completion UNLESS:
- You are 15 years or younger and will be hunting with a properly permitted adult mentor 18 years of age or older.
- You were born before Jan. 1, 1967.
- You enrolled in a hunter-education course but failed to pass the certification tests due to a developmental disability, and you received an exemption from MDC’s Protection Division.
- You are 16 or older and have purchased an Apprentice Hunter Authorization and will be hunting with a properly permitted adult mentor 18 years of age or older.
- You are the landowner or lessee hunting on land you own or upon which you reside.
In order to complete the certification you must Choose ONE of three convenient ways to complete the knowledge part. Then you must attend a four-hour skills session.
1. Hunter Education Online. You MUST complete all the chapter reviews in order to receive your skills-session qualifier certificate, which you MUST show (bring a printed copy or display the PDF on your mobile device) to enter the skills session. Log on to MDC.MO.GOV to take this option. ($15 will be charged with completion of this option)
2. Self-study guide. Order a study guide by phone from an MDC office. Then study the illustrated guide, complete all chapter reviews, and present your completed guide at the skills session in step two.
3. Classroom session. Register and attend a four-hour classroom session featuring lectures and videos. Log on to MDC.MO.GOV to register for this option.
No matter how you complete the knowledge part and earn your skills-session qualifier certificate in step one, you must register for and attend a four-hour skills session. You must also bring your skills-session qualifier certificate or study guide with all chapters completed to gain entry. The skills session includes a mandatory 35-question, multiple-choice final exam. After completing step two successfully, you will receive a temporary certificate so you can purchase a permit and hunt immediately. MDC recommends that youth begin hunting with an adult mentor to become familiar with hunting and terminology before taking the course. Youths younger than 16 years of age DO NOT need hunter education to hunt any game species in Missouri until they are ready to hunt alone.
Hunter education training is a form of life insurance. This type of training decreases the chance of being injured in a hunting-related accident as it serves to educate those who will take to the woods. If you have questions please contact the Mark Twain Lake Project Office at 20642 Highway J, Monroe City, Missouri 63456 or by telephone at (573)735-4097.