Lake Shelbyville – With archery deer season quickly approaching many hunters will be heading to their favorite hunting spots in search of success. This year an outbreak of Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD) has hit the deer herd in many parts of Illinois, to include Shelby and Moultrie Counties. Corps officials have been fielding reports of deer found on the lake and to date approximately 70 have been reported. This number is approximately 15% of the average harvest for all weapons and seasons on the Lake Shelbyville Complex. Hunters are asked to report any deer they find during season to Natural Resource Specialist Lee Mitchell along with the approximate locations (see below for contact information; GPS coordinates are appreciated!). In addition, any hunters interested in recording their deer sighting throughout the season and reporting these sighting at the end of the season are asked to contact Lee by email (see below). Interested hunters will be emailed a form to use in tracking the number of days they hunt and the number of deer they see. This helps managers track population trends on the lake and adjust the harvest goals accordingly.
Impact to the local herd is unknown at this time. Hunters are asked to compare this year’s sightings to their prior years hunting seasons on Lake Shelbyville and adjust their harvest accordingly. EHD does not affect humans and eating meat from infected deer is not dangerous. However, infected deer may suffer from secondary infections that can taint the meat. Never consume meat from a deer that is visibly sick.
For additional information contact Natural Resource Specialist Lee Mitchell at (217) 774-3951 ext. 7012 or by email at
Release no. 12-67