USACE to Present on Melvin Price Locks & Dam Drawdown Alternative Analysis for Water Control Manual Revision

St. Louis District
Published Feb. 5, 2025

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District will host two public meetings to present the findings of the Melvin Price Locks and Dam Water Control manual revision update. 

A presentation will be given at each public meeting by the St. Louis District Water Control Office on the findings from the analysis of each drawdown alternative.

Each alternative was assessed for its hydraulic, sediment, real estate, economic, geotechnical/levee safety, and environmental impacts as part of a two-year process.

Presentations will be held:

Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2025                                                              
From 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
National Great Rivers Museum
#2 Locks and Dam Way
Alton, IL  62002

Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2025
From 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Grafton City Hall 
118 East Main Street
Grafton, IL  62037

Water Control Manuals are operating manuals for USACE locks and dams. The Water Control Manual includes instructions for operating the locks and dam for the purposes authorized by Congress and other applicable laws that maintain the structural integrity, operation integrity of the dam and avoid risk to public health, safety, life, and property.

Water Control Manual’s are updated periodically to determine whether there are changes in the physical, environmental and social conditions that need to be accounted for in the operation.

The current Melvin Price Locks and Dam Water Control Manual was approved in 2000.  

All interested persons are invited to attend the public meeting and provide comments.

Representatives from the St. Louis District Water Control Office will be present to answer questions and provide information.

St. Louis District Public Affairs

Release no. 25-006