2020 Special Events at Carlyle Lake

Published Jan. 7, 2020

CARLYLE LAKE – The Carlyle Lake Project Office in partnership with numerous organizations, agencies, groups, and individuals works hard to organize and host a variety of special events throughout the year. These events would not be possible without the support and dedication from all of our partners, volunteers, and the local community. The Corps is proud to present our 2020 Special Events and the Carlyle Sailing Association’s 2020 Sailing Events. All of these family-friendly events are free and open to the public.

Carlyle Lake 2020 Special Events:

February 8              Eagle Watch (Case-Halstead Library)

February 29            Polar Plunge and 5k Donut Dash

May 15&16             Illinois High School Association State Bass Fishing Finals

May 16                   National Kids to Parks Day

May 30                   Crappie USA

June 13                  King Kat Tournament

June 27                  Fireworks Spectacular

August 14               Cruisin’ the Dam Car Show and Cruz-In

September 20         CAPEX Triathlon

October 16&17        Haunted Trail

November 7            Youth Pheasant Hunt

CSA 2020 Sailing Events:

May 16                   Try Sailing Day

May 28-30              Adult Sailing Seminar

June 7-12               Junior Sailing Day

June 27                  Independence Day Sail and Party

September 12&13   Wale of a Sail Regatta

   For more information on any of the events listed above, contact the Carlyle Lake Project Office at (618) 594-2484 or email at carlylelake@usace.army.mil.

Kim Hammel

Release no. 20-001