CARLYLE LAKE - As of 11:00 a.m. on Monday, June 24, 2019 the pool elevation at Carlyle Lake was 450.61 feet, referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD). The current release rate is approximately 4,600 cubic feet per second (cfs). The inflow for Sunday, June 23, 2019 was approximately 12,770 day second feet (dsf). With current precipitation on the ground, Carlyle Lake is forecasted to crest at 451.7 feet NGVD on Thursday, June 27, 2019. Carlyle Lake Dam is operating as designed, helping reduce flood stages on the Lower Kaskaskia and Mississippi Rivers.
Due to the rising water level, some breakwaters and facilities will be overtopped and caution should be used when boating near these and other submerged structures. Boaters are also reminded to use caution and watch for floating logs and other debris that may be present. Some township roads around the lake will also become inundated, motorists should use caution when driving in low lying areas around the lake.
Boat ramps impacted by the high water conditions include: Dam West, Dam East, Coles Creek, Boulder, Keyesport, Allen Branch, Patoka, and Peppenhorst Branch. High water ramps at Dam West, Dam East, Coles Creek, Apache, Tamalco, Horseshoe Island, and Boulder are available for launching.
The Corps of Engineers continues to work closely with their partners, the Carlyle Lake Association, Mid-Kaskaskia River Association and the Okaw River Basin Coalition to monitor the situation. For more information, contact the Carlyle Lake Project Office at (618) 594-2484 or email at
Release no. 19-027