Kaskaskia Watershed Association to hold Annual Summit

Published Feb. 12, 2019

CARLYLE LAKE - The 19th Annual Kaskaskia Watershed Summit sponsored by the Kaskaskia Watershed Association, Inc. (KWA) will be held Monday 4 March 2019 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Mariners Village Convention Center, Carlyle, Illinois. Registration begins at 9:00 a.m. This year’s theme “Working on Solutions” will focus on how the resources of the Kaskaskia watershed and how to use them in the future. Speakers include:

  • COL Bryan Sizemore Commander, St. Louis District, Army Corps of Engineers
  • Janet Buchanan, Project Manager, Heartlands Conservancy
  • Marty Kemper, Retired Illinois Department of Natural Resources Biologist
  • Carena Van Riper, Asst. Professor Dept. of Natural Resources and Environmental Science, U of I
  • Steve Jurgens, KWA President   

Pre-registration is required by Thursday, 28 February 2019. To register for the event, contact Ms. Shelli Bement at HeartLands Conservancy at (618) 566-4451 ext.12 or by email at shelli.bement@heartlandsconservancy.org. There is a $15.00 registration fee to cover the cost of lunch and refreshments. Checks should be made payable to HeartLands Conservancy. Credit card payment may be used for advanced registration.

For more information please contact the Carlyle Lake/Kaskaskia River Project Office at (618) 594-2484 or email carlylelake@usace.army.mil



Amanda Kruse
Kim Hammel

Release no. 19-007