Winter Safety at Lake Shelbyville

Published Jan. 10, 2018
Lake Shelbyville – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Lake Shelbyville would like to remind lake users of winter safety. Winter drawdown began on Wednesday, December 27, 2017. At that time, the lake level was 599.83 feet above sea level as referenced to the National Vertical Geodetic Datum (NVGD). As of January 10, 2018, the lake level is 596.86 NVGD and decreasing to the target winter pool level of 594.0. Lake Shelbyville is a reservoir with fluctuating water levels, therefore the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers encourages you to stay off the ice on Lake Shelbyville. Lake ice may contain voids, cracks, and holes that users cannot detect visually. Other bodies of water on the Lake Shelbyville Project include Woods Lake, Beaver Lake, and numerous fishing ponds. Maps to these areas can be downloaded at:
Cold-water immersion is the cause of many boating-related fatalities. Lake Shelbyville would like to remind visitors to dress for the water temperature, not the air temperature. If self-rescue is not possible, actions to minimize heat loss should be initiated by remaining as still as possible in the Heat Escape Lessening Position (HELP), where your knees are drawn to your chest with your arms grasping them together, or simply huddling with your arms around other survivors in a circle. Additional layers of clothing can help you stay afloat by trapping air. Wet clothes will not weigh you down in the water as many people perceive. In order to use the HELP position to conserve body heat, you must be wearing a life jacket to stay afloat. Vest type life jackets and float coats also help provide an extra layer of insulation should you accidentally find yourself immersed in cold water.
As always, remember to play it safe at Lake Shelbyville. For additional information, contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Lake Shelbyville Project Office at (217) 774-3951. -30-
Ashley Florey
217-774-3951 X7005

Release no. 18-053