Frank Russell Campground Becoming All Reservable

Published March 19, 2018

Mark Twain Lake, March 19, 2018, Monroe City, Missouri – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Mark Twain Lake would like to announce that all campsites in the Frank Russell Campground are reservable and available for same day reservations for the 2018 recreation season.

The Frank Russell Campground has a total of 72 campsites, consisting of 65 30 amp electric and 7 equestrian sites that offer 50 amp electric.  Campsites 1 thru 29 will be available May 23 thru 29, June 27 thru July 9, and August 29 thru September 4, 2018.  Campsites 30 thru 60 and the 7 equestrian sites (campsites 61 thru 67) will be available March 30 thru November 5, 2018.  Reservations for these campsites will be available starting March 30, 2018.  You must reserve your campsite prior to setting up on the site.

To reserve your campsite up to six months in advance or the same day as your arrival, reservations are accepted by telephoning the National Recreation Reservation Service (NRRS) toll free number 877-444-6777,TDD 877-833-6777 or on the internet at

If you have questions or we can help plan your trip to Mark Twain Lake give us a call at the M.W. Boudreaux Memorial Visitor Center at 573-565-2112 or email us at We are also on Facebook under Mark Twain Lake - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Mark Twain Lake
20642 Hwy J, Monroe City, MO, 63456

Release no. 18-020