Mark Twain Lake 2016 Water Control Operations/Dam Safety Meeting

Published Nov. 17, 2016

Mark Twain Lake, November 17, 2016 – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Mark Twain Lake has announced plans for a public workshop to be held on December 1st, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. at the M.W. Boudreaux Memorial Visitor Center.  The purpose of the workshop is to discuss dam safety and 2016 Water Control Operations.  Presentations will be given by members of the St. Louis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Water Control and Dam Safety staff.  

The St. Louis District is responsible for maintaining the waterways that flow through a large part of eastern Missouri and southwestern Illinois.  Located within the District’s boundaries are 300 miles of the Mississippi River, including its four most southerly Locks and Dams and its confluence with the Missouri and Illinois River.  Also included are several tributary rivers, dozens of other small streams, and five multi-purpose reservoirs – Lake Shelbyville, Carlyle Lake, Rend Lake, Mark Twain Lake, and Lake Wappapello.  

The M.W. Boudreaux Memorial Visitor Center is located on Rt. J just south of the Clarence Cannon Dam.  If you’d like more information, please feel free to email or call 573-735-4097.
Mark Twain Lake
20642 Hwy J Monroe City, MO 63456

Release no. 17-003