Expiration date: 5/24/2018
The applicant, Jefferson County Port Authority (JCPA), requests permit authorization to construct infrastructure facilities needed to operate passenger cruises on the Mississippi River. The revitalization of a previously utilized project area consists of repaving and widening existing access roads, creation of parking lots, restoration of a formerly used dock, and creation of a bank landing. JCPA will minimize impacts to wetlands, waterbodies and the Mississippi River by utilizing previously developed sections of the site. The work is anticipated to impact 0.84 acre of wetlands (0.84 acre of forested wetlands and 0.0 acre of emergent wetlands), about 30 linear feet of an unnamed tributary and 0.25 acre (208 linear feet) of the Mississippi River for construction of the necessary infrastructure improvements. The public notice comment period opens on May3, 2018, and will close May 24, 2018.