Regulatory Branch


Published Feb. 28, 2017
Expiration date: 3/20/2017

The applicant, Consolidated Grain and Barge Company, has applied for a Department of the Army Permit for the project known as Consolidated Grain and Barge Co. Ring Storage.  The applicant seeks authorization for the placement of fill material into waters of the United States in conjunction with the construction of a grain storage facility adjacent to an existing structure of the same type. The project plans propose to impact a total of approximately 0.79-acres of low quality emergent wetland (wetland A = 0.42 acres + wetland B = 0.37 acres) that is dominated by Ambrosia trifida L. (Giant Ragweed). The project is located northwest of the City of Cahokia, IL along the Mississippi River.  More specifically, the project area is located in Section 3, Township 1 North, Range 10 West, St. Clair County, Illinois. The public notice opens February 27, 2017 and closes on March 20, 2017.