Tag: Master Plan Update
  • Rivers Project Master Plan Update Public Comment Period

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District, invites your review and comments regarding the revised draft “Rivers Project Master Plan Update” with accompanying “Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)” and “Environmental Assessment (EA)”. The Rivers Project Master Plan is a conceptual document that guides public use and natural resource management of over 48,000 acres of federal lands for environmental stewardship and recreation related purposes. The current Master Plan was approved in 2015. The Project area for the Master Plan extends from Mississippi River Mile 0, at Cairo, Illinois; upstream to the tail water of Locks and Dam 22, Mississippi River Mile 301, at Saverton, Missouri. Most the Project’s public lands are upstream of St. Louis, Missouri.  The lower 80 miles of the Illinois River is also managed by Rivers Project and is therefore included in the update. This management effort also includes coordination with federal and state agencies, and non-governmental organizations.
  • Public Meetings to be held regarding the Carlyle Lake & Kaskaskia River Project Master Plan Updates

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Carlyle Lake/Kaskaskia River Project, will host three public workshops next week. This will conclude a series of five workshops regarding Master Plan updates for Carlyle Lake and the Kaskaskia River Project. The public is invited to attend these workshops on the Master Plan update process and afford the opportunity to receive input from the public about their issues and concerns regarding the future management of Carlyle Lake and the Kaskaskia River Project.